
Hi. I am John Parsons.  I live in Idaho Falls, Idaho, in the summer and Rimrock, Arizona, in the winter.  I have been infatuated with US 89 since 1979.  My wife, Susun, and I have explored most all portions of the highway with a few notable exceptions; Livingston to Great Falls, Montana and also the last few miles up to the Canadian border.

We are especially intrigued by the Arizona permutations of US 89.  Many changes have taken place in US 89 through the Grand Canyon State. Many of our "curiosities" are very esoteric and would not be of interest to others. That's OK because we are dong this blog primarily for ourselves and not necessarily for others.

Our first goal with this blog is to thoroughly document US 89's route through Arizona.  You can see the progress toward that goal in this post: http://ushwy89.blogspot.com/2017/11/us-89-project-begins.html

This blog is strictly a labor-of-love and will be forever non-commercial with no ads or things for sale.  We will always promote the US 89 Appreciation Society to help keep them alive and well. Be sure to visit them here: https://usroute89.com

I can be reached via email at: happytrailsforever@gmail.com

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